The Pubcast with Jon Loomer

Automatic Events can help you set up those pesky standard events automatically (hence the name) without code. Here's how to turn them on...

Facebook has started rolling out custom formatting for ad reports, and it could be super helpful. Here's how to find out whether you have it, how it might be used, and my one big issue with it.

The ad auction is what determines who sees an ad. How do you win an auction? Your ad needs to have the highest total score, which is based on three different factors. Let's discuss...

On November 10, I published a podcast episode. I had no idea what I was starting. I'd end up going on a streak of publishing a new episode every day for 100 days (and counting).

It's kinda crazy. In this episode, I crack a bottle of red and talk about how I organized myself to do this, the different methods of tracking, how it's impacted my content development strategy, and where it's going next.

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Category:advertising, content marketing, marketing, social media -- posted at: 8:00am MDT

Some advertisers have seen the Advantage Plus campaign creation method when setting up a conversions campaign in Ads Manager. It's actually been rolling out very slowly for the past several months. Is this a big deal? Does it offer significant benefits? Let's break down what we know...

The big spenders can make the most impact, but that doesn't mean that you can't drive results on a budget. But, with those restrictions, you can't follow the same rules. You should have three priorities for how you spend that budget...

The Pixel Event Setup Tool is a great concept. Add standard events to your website without the need for code. Unfortunately, it remains as flawed and limited today as the day it was released a few years ago. That doesn't make it completely worthless, though. Here are a few cases you should use it.

One of the primary ways that you can create a website custom audience is based on specific page or website. There are actually several different ways I use this within my advertising strategy.

Custom Conversions have a very specific purpose for Facebook ads reporting and optimization. Here, I provide an explanation of the three primary ways that I use them.

The Facebook Pixel Helper is an extension for the Chrome browser. It's a great, and free, tool for advertisers. Here, I lay out ways that you might use it.

View-through conversions have always been a thing. But changes during the past year have made them problematic. Let me explain what I was doing, what I found, my theory, and what I think Facebook should do related to view-through attribution.

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Category:advertising, content marketing, marketing, social media -- posted at: 8:00am MDT

Do you understand how custom conversions are different from standard and custom events and how you might use them? Let's clear up any confusion...

Have you ever run into a situation where Facebook isn't providing metric totals for conversions even though the rows above have data? This isn't a bug, there's a reason for it. Here's the explanation...

Businesses who haven't been able to verify their domains because their pixel was on a third-party website may have a solution due to Partner Level Configurations. This is a big deal!

If you use standard or custom events, you should also be sending parameters that provide more details about an action. Parameters are what provide granularity and power in reporting and targeting. Here's how they work...

Conversion numbers in Ads Manager rarely match up with other sources. One of the many reasons for this is view-through conversions. Here, I talk about what they are, when they might happen, and why they've been controversial.

You can now create custom audiences based on engagement with your product catalog. There are a couple of primary benefits to this over a typical website custom audience that should be useful for ecomm businesses.

Three months ago (on November 6, to be exact), I started an experiment. I wanted to see if I could reach all of my Facebook followers with a single ad. In this episode, I walk through what happened -- including some seriously weird and unexpected things -- and what I learned from it.

Direct download: Pubcast_-_02042022.mp3
Category:advertising, content marketing, marketing, social media -- posted at: 8:00am MDT

If you're only looking at surface-level metrics to measure the success of your ads, you aren't doing your job. You need to dig deeper. Ask these basic questions to help define what success looks like and what your ultimate customer looks like so that you can reach them.

If you're using both browser events from your pixel and server events from the API, you are probably sending the same events for each. This way, the API may pick up some events that the browser pixel does not. Of course, it's then important that Facebook runs a deduplication process to eliminate duplicates and prevent double-counting. Here, I walk through how to view your deduplication rate...

While cold, broad targeting is becoming increasingly popular, I still find warm targeting to be incredibly effective and important. This is especially the case for content creators like me, who attract website visitors to engage with free content. I then need to separate those levels of engagement to re-engage them or present a relevant product or opt-in. Here's exactly what I do...

Do you use custom web events to track, optimize for, and target actions that fall outside of standard events? I do! Here, I walk through the various events that fire on my website to help represent quality traffic, video engagement, and podcast engagement. I even explain how you can test my events!

Maybe you use your own formulas to determine the performance of your Facebook ads. You can actually use these formulas to create custom metrics that can be added as columns to your reports. Here's how!

Back in November, Facebook announced that they'd be removing some Detailed Targeting options. Now that those options were removed in January, we now know they weren't messing around. They removed a TON of targeting options, including ones that came as a surprise. So, now what should you do?

I've been experimenting with a new Facebook ads strategy that I'm really excited about. It remains unfinished as there are still things I'm trying to polish and fix. But, there's a specific need I'm trying to fill, and I can visualize exactly how it would work. Talk through this with me...

Direct download: Pubcast_-_02032022.mp3
Category:advertising, content marketing, marketing, social media -- posted at: 8:00am MDT

Facebook ads optimization is seriously lacking for content creators -- specifically for bloggers. Optimizing for Link Clicks or Landing Page Views doesn't cut it because Facebook doesn't care about the quality of those actions. Content creators do! Here's what Facebook should do...

Facebook is requiring advertisers to indicate that they have read and accepted terms related to non-discrimination, not only in regards to their advertising but on behalf of system users. If you don't, you won't be able to create ads.

Have you ever had results for a traffic campaign that seemed too good to be true? This is certainly possible, due to how optimization works. Here are some steps to take so that you can verify the quality of those clicks.